Library Circulation Policies
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WPCC Library Policies
Any Western Piedmont Community College student or resident of Burke County, North Carolina who wishes to borrow materials from the college library must complete a “library borrower” information sheet (available at the Circulation Desk or by mail) and have that information entered into the library’s computer database system. The library does not issue library cards. A picture form of identification will usually be required.
To qualify for library circulation privileges a person must be at least 16 years old. Library materials may also be made available through written cooperative agreements with other colleges and universities and other library agencies through interlibrary loan. The schedule for circulation of library holdings is based on type of material and the borrower’s status.
Fines are charged for materials that are returned after the due date (.10 per day for books, .25 per day for AV). In addition, persons that have materials that are “lost” or damaged are charged replacement (or repair) costs for each item.
NOTE: Reference materials, magazines, and periodicals do not circulate outside the library.
Circulation Period for Book Materials
Students & Community Patrons | Full-Time Faculty & Staff | |
Book Materials | 28 calendar days from date checked out (Limit of 5 items) Renewal: 1 renewal period |
3 calendar months Renewal: Yes–additonal time by renewal |
Audiovisual Materials | 7 calendar days from date checked out (Limit of 2 items) Renewal: None |
3 calendar months Renewal: Yes–additional time by renewal |
In-House Reserves
The Library at Western Piedmont Community College offers reserve services in order to make a limited amount of instructional material available to a large number of students.
The material is placed on reserve for students to read, review, or view for course requirements. Reserve materials are “in-house-use”, which means they are to be used only within the Library.
Reserve materials may include textbooks, media materials, instructor’s personal copies, and periodical articles. These materials are set aside for short term use in the Library and are available at the Circulation desk.
Faculty placing items on reserve must submit a list of reserve items along with: faculty name, course title, course number and the week(s) your class will be using the item. Please submit each request as far in advance as possible.