Library Workshops: On-Site & Online
Library Links
In-depth Instruction in the Use of Library Resources
The library at Western Piedmont offers several “on demand” workshops to provide in-depth instruction in the use of library resources for both research and personal enrichment. These workshops are offered at the request of faculty members who wish to have their classes visit the library or to groups of individuals interested in any of the topics covered. Both faculty members and interested individuals should contact Nancy Daniel at (828) 448-3160 to have a workshop scheduled. Faculty/Staff may also fill out the online library reservation form. Individuals requesting a workshop may be placed on a waiting list until a group of, at least, 5 people are committed to a particular topic, or they may be placed with a class taking the same workshop. Note: The Library is in the process of videorecording these workshops as time and opportunity permit. Links to recorded workshops, if available, are included below. Library staff welcomes suggestions for additional library and information-related topics around which to design new workshops.
Library Workshop Topics
Exploring the Library
This workshop expands on our general library tour and provides a more in-depth “how to” guide on locating the books, magazine articles, and media which you are looking for. Whether for research or pleasure, this workshop will show you how to use the online catalog, the Library of Congress classification system, electronic databases, and Inter-Library Loan to never go away disappointed from our library. The use of and access to online e-books as an alternative to printed books will also be discussed.
Research in the Library
This workshop concentrates on using the library as a tool for researching information for course papers and projects. In addition to a more academic-focused look at the topics outlined in the previous workshop, an informative overview of the printed Reference collection will also be included. The workshop is intended to assist students in “digging deeper” to find the information needed for a successful term paper or course project. (Duration: Approx. 60 mins.)
Review of MLA and APA Citation Styles
This is a PowerPoint-assisted lecture providing a general overview of the two most commonly used citation styles used at Western Piedmont. Both in-text and bibliographic citations for different sources and media will be discussed, along with relevant examples. A question and answer session will follow. Instructors requesting this workshop for their classes may choose to have either MLA or APA or both styles covered. (Duration: 30 mins. for each citation style)
Evaluating Websites
The World-Wide Web has much to offer, but not all websites are created equal. This workshop will identify the components of a website that will help you to determine if the site is reputable and appropriate for your course paper or project, or if it may be suspect of undue bias, misinformation, or sloppy research, and therefore unsuitable for academic use. (Duration: Approx. 30 mins.)
View The Evaluating Websites Video Version below:
Hidden Treasures of NCLive
Where can you find PBS videos, the NC Drivers Manual, Bills from the NC General Assembly, guides to great fiction, and practice tests for major exams, all in one place? The place is NCLive, Western Piedmont Library’s premier online resource! More than just a source for journal articles, come learn about NCLive’s hidden treasures. (Duration: Approx. 60 mins.)